Friday, May 24, 2013

Blog Review Post Reviewing Blogging....Fun!

The end of the school year is finally here and let me just tell you all that I could anticipate the 6th of June anymore than I do right now. Except that one thing has been brought to my attention. This blog was created as a homework assignment for my English class, but, I find myself admitting the fact that I quite enjoy blogging and don't want to see my blog go.

At first I was a bit skeptical when I was told that I would have to create a blog for my English class, being forced to write post after post to turn in for credit, but the truth of the matter is, is that it felt good to get my thoughts and points written down on paper for people to read. I felt like someone out there was listening to what I had to say on the trivial things of life and that made me feel as though my blog has some importance.

When I first started writing Reviews, Rants, and Everything In-between it was a bit strange to know that I had the freedom to take this blog anywhere I wanted to with it. I had the potential to write about anything that I liked and I think that I chose a broad enough variety to keep myself and you entertained. What, with my rants, reviews and random thoughts on things of little importance.

As time passed, though, I started to see a flow and pattern to my writing and it all started to seem easier to post and rant to you. When I saw that I was growing an audience from all around the world I was so surprised and happy that I even wrote a whole post just saying thank you to everyone who had ever looked at my blog.

This blog has become more than an assignment for my English class, it has become apart of me; an outlet for my feelings and opinions to be shared with people who may agree or disagree with me.

I am so happy that I got a chance to actually create something like this and I would have never done it without the help of my English teacher, Mr. Parker, so he deserves his own thank you for just making me create a blog in the first place.

If I had the choice to never have done this blog, or do it all over again, I would definitely take the latter. Again, thank you all so much, it means so much to have your support and willingness to read these posts.

I hope I can continue to add to this blog in the future....And If I may add, if you are looking for some interesting blogs to check out, I recommend the links below.

Amber Deden
Paul Gibson
Allison Vernon
Cameron Mercer

Thank you for reading, please accept this unicorn as a gift from me...!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Mario Review

This may seem strange that I have decided to write this blog post about one of the most famous video game characters, but I found myself thinking of all the ways that Mario has been redone and remade.

Through out the years we have gone from the first ever Mario, all the way up to Super Mario Galaxy where we find our lovable little Italian where Mario literally travels the final frontier of space, with a few additions and improvements from the creators of the game

Mario was originally made by the Japanese creator Shigeru Miyamoto for the Nintendo and was soon decided to serve as the mascot of Nintendo itself.

Image source:
Mario games are considered by most as the most popular game series ever created and the franchise has sold over 210 million units. Although Mario was originally designed for the Super Mario series, he was appeared in many other games from the famous Mario Kart all the way to the fun and easy going RPG, Paper Mario.

The main plot theme of the original game of Super Mario is a classic in the gaming world. The helpless princess Peach is captured by the evil Lord Bowser which sets our hero, Mario, into motion to rescue the fair and helpless princess to the best of his abilities.

Image source:
This will always be one of my favorite game series, and Mario will always be one of my most well loved and favorite video game characters.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Thank You

This blog post is going to be a little different than it usually is, because I decided it's time to take a step back and thank anyone who has taken the type out of their days to read my non-stop chitter chatter and rantings about things that most people would never even bother to take the time and think about; much less get angry over.

I've noticed that I have had quite a few readers from all around the world. Some of them only stop in for a few seconds and then they are off to another webpage with something that is more interesting than what I am writing about. Some of them are my friends, and out of loyalty will read every post that I put up, no matter how boring or annoyed they made turn out.

I've noticed that most of my readers at the moment, however, are coming from Russia which is a pleasant surprise to me. I would like to take a moment and thank you for reading through my blog posts, even if you were only stopping by.

To people who check in regularly with my rants and reviews, I must say how grateful I am to you. You make me feel as if, at least, someone out there cares about what I say and what my opinions are, even if you disagree. You make me feel like my blog is important.

I've been trying to bust out posts that are a little more interesting to read and I apologize that I only post once every week. I know that my posts are very related usually, from me reviewing a recent concert that I have attended, to me ranting about pointless pastimes like the Xbox compared to the Atari.

Recently I have been competing in internet challenges which I enjoy and have been blogging about a lot, so I hope that that adds a little spark and zest to my blog itself.

Oh...Listen to me rambling on as per the usual. What I am trying to say is that I am very thankful to anyone who has viewed my blog and I just wanted to take the time to thank all of you for sticking with me on this.

To my loyal readers, it really means a lot to me that you read my blog, it makes me feel like I am actually writing for a reason, rather than myself.

Thank you so much! All of you!

My last thank you is this stupid picture of me and Elena. We look ridiculous. Laugh! =D

Friday, April 19, 2013

Chubbeh Bunneh Challenge

As of recently my fourth hour Journalism class has taken up the habit of completing popular internet challenges. So far we have successfully completed the Cinnamon Challenge, which let me tell you hurt, as well as Hallway Swimming.

The most recent challenge we have pursued is what is well known as the Chubbeh Bunneh challenge AKA the Marshmallow challenge.

Basically what this challenge consists of is stuffing as many marshmallows as one person can into their mouth while still being able to say the words chubbeh bunneh. You may be sitting at your computer reading this with a scoff, thinking to yourself, that sounds like the easiest thing ever.

Well, let me tell you right now, it's freaking hard to get past three marshmallows at the most. You cheeks get so puffed up with the sugary ball of fluff, and your throat closes up from how sweet each marshmallow is, up to the point where you feel like your are going to puke.

Ms. Hooker Starting off the challenge
We ended up having at least seven people try the actual challenge itself, and the highest score of marshmallows shoved into ones gob was around six, I believe.

Each person who tried the challenge could not stop laughing as soon as they popped the first marshmallow in their mouth. Of course, there was also a classmate who wouldn't stop making puking noises to deal with, which made it all the more difficult to proceed with the challenge.

Me at five marshmallows in my mouth.
I thought the challenge was going to be a lot simpler than it actually was, but in reality it got difficult after I got two marshmallows stuffed up in my cheeks.

This challenge by far was my favorite because it didn't hurt my throat and make me cough and choke, plus it was fun to try as well as to watch.

Morgan (left) and I racing with mini marshmallows, while Zack (middle) yells at us.
Eventually we ran out of big marshmallows - which we had to beg for from the foods class - and decided to try our own little challenge which we called mini chubs.

My good friend, Morgan, and I raced to see who could get the most mini marshmallows in our mouth without chewing or swallowing them. In the end I won and Morgan shuffled off to the trash can to spit out a giant glob of marshmallows into the trash.

When we finished racing each other, we needed to clean out the bag of marshmallows so, Morgan decided to dump the whole bag into his mouth and on his face.

I recommend this challenge, it's a fun one.

Morgan dumping the marshmallows in his mouth.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Cinnamon Challenge

Yesterday I tried something that no normal human being - in their right mind - should ever try...EVER!

During my Journalism class at fourth hour I acquired the necessary equipment and sadly, willing, volunteers who had no qualms about participating in none other than the dreaded cinnamon challenge.

Morgan Anderson dumping out cinnamon

I know some of you must be thinking that the cinnamon challenge is an old fab that has lived out its short time fame and should stop popping up randomly around the internet. Well, my words to you are only this; it was fun and I wanted to try it, so leave me be!

We set up outside in the school courtyard around a little red plastic table, with a group of cups filled with water, some plastic spoons, and three containers of cinnamon. There were probably around fifteen - twenty volunteers to try the challenger, including the my Journalism teach, Julie Hooker, and Vice Principle Mr. Macintosh.

Mr. Macintosh trying the challenge

Each volunteer shoved a spoonful of cinnamon into their mouth and tried to eat and swallow it as fast as they could, and surprisingly we had a number of them exceed at this, supposedly, impossible challenge.

Now, when I tried my own spoonful of cinnamon, I managed to keep my cool for, oh I don’t know, ten seconds? Then I was coughing up the vile substance and running off towards the grass to scrape my tongue, and my knees (yes I fell over running, hush).
This was one of the worst things that I have ever tried, and I don’t think I will ever be able to enjoy cinnamon the same way ever again. In my own recommendation, don’t ever try this, it’s not worth it!

Me scraping my tongue
Now, I’m going to go and try to get the taste of cinnamon out of my mouth......

Friday, April 5, 2013

Just a Daily Rant.

Today was a semi-awful day so my Shoulders to Complain On you shall read this (only if you want of course) while I senselessly complain about my day.

To start off, I didn't end up going to bed until around two or three A.M., which lemme tell ya, is not a good thing to do on a school night, especially when it's on a day where you actually have to focus and pay attention. I was up all night playing Black Ops 2 with a few of my friends, and you know what they say, time flies when you're having fun.

Then when I woke up I had crazy bed head which even the most furious of brushings couldn't cure. I brushed and brushed, but my hair refused to settle or cooperate with me whatsoever.

 I stepped outside and it was freezing cold and a bleak grey, which actually cheered me up a bit when I felt the crisp touch of the rain, then I remembered that I had to sit inside a brick building all day and listen to lecture after lecture; complete assignment after assignment.

....Makes my bad mood worse.

I ended up getting into a few arguments at lunch over pointless topics that any other day would never have sparked an opinion in me.

Then, in my film class, after a number of footage had been gathered for a Lonely Island music video, my SD card decided that it was going to refuse to work with Imovie. This means that next time I have my film class I will have to re-film every single scene that was on that SD card with hardly any time.

Today was not a good day for me....

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Friday, March 29, 2013


I've done it yet again, I've attended yet another one of my concerts and now I believe it is time to write a well worded review, no?

This concert was held at a smaller staging are in downtown Salt Lake at a little place called the Venue and the concert featured three bands all together. The place was hardly full when the first band came out on stage which gave me an excellent front stage spot to watch.

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Stars and Stereo, a five member band from LA, opened with a band that seemed to get the crowd reeling and excited. They presented themselves with confidence and ease even though this was their first tour and their sound was positively amazing.

They somehow managed to incorporate a number of different musical properties into their songs, which is an expectation of any band that can be remotely considered good. They seemed to be a mix of rock, metal, and a bit electronic, making them appealing and interesting to listen to.

The band together also had a very pleasing on stage personality and knew how to interact well with their crowd managing to include them in each of the songs. If it wasn't clapping it was singing along or jumping around.

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Drowning pool was the second band to come on stage and let me just say now, they were the reason I brought the ticket in the first place. This was a band that I am very familiar with because of their most well known song, Let the Bodies Hit the Floor.

They came on stage reeling and ready to preform in all their edginess and crude music. This was the first time that I also got to see their new singer and hear a few songs off their new album and let me just tell you now, they did not disappoint.

Jasen Moreno, the newest vocalist of the group showed the crowd that he was ready and prepared to fill in the roll of the countless number of singers before him and he did a fantastic job.

He connected well with the audience and gave the illusion that he actually knew you personally instead  of him being up on a three foot high stage in front of you playing you some music.

Drowning Pool, though always changing has remained a great band nonetheless and they actually were my highlight of the entire concert.

Image Source:

Flyleaf was the last band to preform that night, and by this time I was starting to get tired and my feet were starting to kill, but they still managed to keep me interested and incorporated...For most of the time.

They were also sporting a brand new spanking singer, Kristen May. She took a safer and more similar approach to the music and kept the same sound and rythme as the old singer which was familiar and appreciated but a bit of a let down.

Flyleaf were pumped and ready to preform and gave it their all out on stage, and a few of them even jumped down and joined the crowd near the end of the setlist they were playing, which proved they were not only willing to join the restless crowd, but also how dedicated they were to their fans.

They played their hearts out and made sure that the concert went out with a bang! When they played their last song, with flashing lights, heavy music, and a singer who's lungs wouldn't quit, I found myself happily jumping along with the music, much to my feet's complaint.

The concert was a splendid one and I can't wait to see who I will see live next.

Friday, March 15, 2013


Recently I have been seeing people more and more sporting their tattoos around like trophies and who could blame them when they all look so cool. Growing up, I was use to tattoos; both my mom and dad had more than one. I always found myself tracing them with my fingers and wondering who could produce such amazing artwork.

It wasn't up until I turned about twelve that I started to realize that, though each tattoo is different, they all follow a sort of style depending on the artist. I had always thought that you asked the tattoo artist for what you wanted and they just tattooed it the way they wanted. I had no idea that there were actually different style groups.

Groups I am going to explain.

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The first style of tattoo to come around is what we today call "Ol'School" style. Ol'School is a semi-realists/dreamlike concept that incorporate a lot of symbolistic artwork. The art concept is a Western-American style that incorporates thick, bold black and blue lines as well as a handful of bright colors.

The first people to start getting tatted were usually navy sailors, hence the fab of sparrow tattoos. When A sailor hit a certain mark they were aloud to show off their sailor expertise by getting a sparrow on one of their shoulders.

Ol'School tattoos almost look cartoon like with their simple detail and bright coloring, but this just gives them the charm and effect that makes them so appealing to most people. Ol'School tattoos usually incorporate some sort of message of remembrance for the canvas (person with the tattoo). Either they are trying to give remembrance to a certain event or person they held dear in their lives.

Image Source:

Next, we have one of the more well known and appealing tattoo styles. The intricate design above is a Japanese Traditional tattoo that are highly popular among most canvases. Opposite of the Ol'School style, Japanese Traditional are very highly detailed and use what is referred to as white space.

White space is when the tattoo uses the Canvases' skin is used to accent shading and detail in the tattoo, as well as extort the high detail of thing black lines used.

Original Japanese Traditional tattoos were used for religious and spiritual beliefs, and some say that they style of art concept could dat back all the way to the Jomon period.

Also unlike the Ol'School style, Japanese traditional are much more realistic and sharp cut to make the tattoo look like old japanese artwork from different eras. Japanese Traditional tattoos are one of the more highly popular styles used, not only because of the amazing look they have to them, but also because of the time and effort that goes into the creation of the tattoo.

It becomes a sort of pride for the Canvas.

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New Skool tattooing is a concept that seems to be taken right out of cartoons themselves. Usually with a New Skool tattoo, dull colors will be used for the basic shadings and areas of the tattoo, and later on brighter colors will be added to make the tattoo as a whole pop.

This style of tattooing has only recently become popular, and anyone who was raised around the first two types of tattooing sometimes see the New Skool take on the art as a bit of an insult.

New Skool tattoos are usually sported on a wider area of the canvas such as their back or arms to get all the cartoon-like detail visible to anyone who sees the tattoo. Everything about this style seems almost unreal, but this is what makes it just all the more interesting to look at, to the point where it's hard to look away.

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Our friend above (rico the zombie) is sporting a style of tattooing that could be called all three styles combined. As scary as he looks, I don't think anyone could help but to marvel at the glorious artwork that has been imprinted upon his skin my countless artists.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Black Veil Brides

Two days ago I stood in line, in the freezing cold, for two and a half hours to see the best concert that I have been to as of now. The line stretched nearly around the block and out into the street, but luckily my group and I had gotten a good place in the middle of the line.

Who were we waiting for you might ask..

None other than Black Veil Brides themselves.

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The concert started at approximately 7:00 and by the time I made it to the doors of The Complex, I was being crammed into a tiny room with a billion of other people. Imagine having an inch of personal space for two seconds then all of a sudden being pressed up against three people without enough room to move your arms.

That's how crowded it was.

As soon as the opening band came on stage everyone was rushing forward with screams that nearly punctured my ear drums. The opening band was a crunk-core band that went by the title of I Capture Castle. A local band from Salt Lake City, whom I found myself loving every second of each song they played.

I Capture Castle worked the crowd up and got the energy flowing and the vibe reverberating. The crowd was screaming their lyrics and jumping around like there was no tomorrow. Mosh-pits riled up and people were surfing through the crowd. I couldn't believe all the amazing madness, what with this only being the opening band and all.

Image Source:

My feet had begun to hurt by the time that William Control took over the stage and I must admit right now that his music didn't really intrigue me, though his fashion sense was actually very interesting. His music was a mix of screaming and electric beats that, for some reason, just made me want to cover my ears.

However, he was dressed like an old school vampire, what with his posh brittish-punk clothing style and funky up-do that made him seem just the slightest bit aloof. He did, though, have a very excited and upbeat on stage personality that kept the crowd dancing and screaming for Black Veil Brides to come onto the stage.

Image Source:

....Finally the time had come...They were finally coming on stage...

C.C. (drummer for BVB) was the first to appear on stage, and just the mere raise of his fist made the crowd wail like a bunch of lovesick girls. I clearly remember that tears sprung to my friends eyes when Ashley Purdy (bassist) walked on stage and formed a heart with his hands.

The band did not disappoint. They played a number of great songs, including a cover of Billy Idol's "Rebel Yell" with an interesting 80s metal twist. They made me laugh and scream and jump around, as well as wish that the concert would never end - no matter how bad my feet had started to hurt by this time.

The concert, songs, and band members of all three bands were amazing and worth the money and time spent on going to see them, and even the fan-base (audience/crowd) were a very interesting bunch of people to hand around.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Harlem Shake...Really?!

Okay, let's just ge one thing straight right now, shall we? Internet memes are either complete genius, or they don't make any sense and then there are the memes that are just completely random and stupid.

For example, the Harlem Shake. This merely started out as a thirty second video of a man in a mask dancing by himself, then, as soon as the bass drops there are nearly twice as many people dancing around with him. This video transcended up the ranks of internet popularity faster than a rock being chucked at your face.

Before last week I didn't even know what the Harlem Shake was, but now that I do, I wish I could reverse time and go back to the simple days when internet scandals were no more than pictures with random quotes and writings around them.

Image Source:

The picture above is a regular meme, not the Harlem Shake. I think that any stupid viral videos should somehow be banned from the internet as to avoid the nuisance of having to watch and hear about them twenty-four seven.

Anytime someone tries to make a Harlem Shake video, I hope they meet the same result as the man in the video below.

Video Source:

(Sorry about low quality)

Sunday, February 3, 2013

I'm Blogging...

I'm blogging about blogging about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging.........


Friday, February 1, 2013

Would You Just Look At That?!?

Recently two new little guys have entered my lives and their names are Tryggvason and Kaiser, my new baby brothers. I know what you're probably thinking, what kind of names are those? I thought the exact same thing when I was first told and my father explained to me that the name Tryggvason is a powerful Viking name, while the name Kaiser is emperor for German. Apparently, though, to my dad they will always just be Butch and Sundance.

Trygg and Kai

They were born nearly two weeks ago at St. Marks hospital and I must say that even if when I was first told I wasn't the happiest person ever, they are pretty adorable to watch. Today actually happens to be my first day actually seeing them in person and let me just tell you right now, they are the smallest little babies I have ever seen in my life.

From the picture it would be obvious to tell that they are twins and I suppose that I should just come clean right now and admit that I really cannot tell either of them apart whatsoever. To me it looks like someone took a baby, scanned him, and made a perfect replica or hologram.


Funny story, I decided that I was absolutely exhausted today and thought hmm, maybe I will just go catch myself 40 winks. Well, 20 winks through I hear this high pitched drawling coming from upstairs. I sit up from the couch I had passed out on, rubbed my eyes, and groaned. They may be cute, but crying babies are never ever a good time if I may be so blunt.

Well, I guess there isn't really much else I can say because I've only been around them for a few hours. Anyways, here's to being a new sister I guess, I can't wait to see what this is going to bring me...


Friday, January 25, 2013

No Celebrities, Just Plain'ol fun

Please keep an open mind about this blogpost because I will merely be sharing with you my experience that I had while I went trekking around Park City during Sundance (perhaps, just maybe, looking for all those famous people everyone is always going off about).

Anywho, I did not make this journey alone! I was accompanied by three of my very good friends (Picture below) who kept me well entertained and cheery while we walked up and down the very thin and very crowded sidewalks of Mainstreet. We searched up and down those sidewalks, in every crevice and alleyway we could find, just to get a glimpse of someone who may or may not have been famous, but after half an hour we gave up and decided to enjoy ourselves.

By going into every store we saw...

I should admit right now that we did get yelled at a few times to "NOT TOUCH ANYTHING!" because apparently nowadays browsing means that you must have your hands tied behind your back  and stand at a safe distance, which I guess is 5ft away from the actual shelf.

Left To Right: Anna, Me, Naomi (My friend Zizi had the camera).
After a few hours we ended up heading to Dolly's bookstore, where we stumbled upon this adorable pooch with the most piercing blue eyes I have ever seen in my life. I felt like that dog was staring into my soul and deciding my fate with his face! Okay, so that was worded a bit weird, but that's what it was like readers, you have no idea.

After I got through with the dog, however, my friends and I found ourselves rather hungry but sadly we were all broke, penniless, no money to spare, you know what I mean? Well through a little thing we like to call walking and talking, we ended up finding a place that was handing out free food.

The place was called Morning Star and they were trying to spread the message that vegetarian food is better for you and can taste good, therefor they were offering free vegetarian burgers to the public.

How could we say no?

With little less than a five minute wait, we were chowing down on some grade A vegetarian "meat" I suppose you would call it, and truth be told it wasn't half bad.

Dog with the eyes to the soul.

Well, I guess that's all I really have to say about that. I did end up seeing a few Sundance films and I must say that they were interesting, if not a little hard to follow. The free will and expressionism that comes with making a film for Sundance is absolutely astonishing. If those artists want to spread a message of view they know exactly how to do it and aren't afraid to say what they want to say.

Well alas this post has come to the end and I shall end by saying that if you have never been to the Sundance Film Festival, it is a must try thing that should be experienced once in your life.

The Egyptian Theater

Saturday, January 19, 2013

You Wouldn't Get Trolled on an Atari...

Welcome back my ever kind shoulders to complain on, I hope that you are once again ready to listen to one of my senseless rants, but this time I have a legitimate to be concerned and I feel the need to share. Trust me.

So, recently I have acquired a new accessory from my Xbox 360 known to us gamers out there (and everyone else) as Xbox Live. Basically Xbox Live is a way to connect with other gamers worldwide on a number of games, the thing is people may seem a but unapproachable and forcibly polite to you, though they may hate you on the inside, but still polite. The thing is, when people don't have to look you in the eye when they're talking to you, they're not afraid to say ANYTHING! 

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Trolling is a term used to call someone a bully over the internet. Basically when you get trolled it means that someone else, or a group of people, are taking what you say and/or do to make someone else feel bad or stupid. This is a big problem on Xbox Live and there is really no way to avoid being trolled unless you unplug your mic and headset.

The funny thing about Xbox live is the fact that everyone varies in ages from 4-30 and it seems that even those 4 year old children have a pretty good idea when to buck up and stand up for themselves, or when to shut their mouths and let it go.

Xbox Live isn't just a place for fun and games anymore, now it's a place for people to relieve stress and anger by yelling and screaming at strangers that are just trying to have a good time. I know this because I have been trolled before and it really buts a damper on my whole gaming experience.

Well, this wasn't my longest rant, but I thought I should get all that off my chest before I became a troller myself.


Friday, January 4, 2013

Merc With The Mouth

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I believe that any of you who have read my recent blog posts have already figured out by now that I am a nerdy person, actually I may have mentioned that on more than one occasion already. Anywho, I've noticed that anytime someone is asked who their favorite superhero is they always answer with the expected; Batman, Superman, Spiderman, you get the gist. 

Well, when I am asked the same question my answer is always Deadpool. You're probably thinking to yourself, "Who is this strange superhero this crazy girl is talking about?" Well my good reader, Deadpool is the Merc With The Mouth, the Regeneratin' Degenerate, the Crimson Comedian, or just plain ol' Wade Wilson.

Deadpool first appeared February 1991, in the issue of The New Mutants. He's depicted as being dressed from head to toe in red and black and he is always carrying more than his share of weaponry, but really what can you expect from a Mercenary? He was firstly developed as a spoof character to make fun of D.C. comics, Slade Wilson aka Deathstroke. 

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Three main things that make his character stand out from other Marvel superheros are:

1). Before becoming a super, Deadpool had cancer, and to save his lousy life he needed help. So, he ran off to Canada to test an experimental procedure that would mix his cells with that of Wolverines. After the procedure, Wade gained an uncanny healing factor that alowed his body to regenerate itself, but it also rapidly sped up the cancer causing tumors and illness to spread throughout his body.

2). Due to the rapid spread of cancer, Deadpool's body is always battling death. This, of course, can start to take a toll, gradually causing poor ol' Wade Wilson to drop into a state of low mental health, In other words he went bonkers and even developed two voices in his mind that are constantly quarreling with him and each other.

3). Deadpool is one of the most humorous and sarcastic marvel characters out there, I swear he gives Spiderman a run for his money. In other words, Deadpool is and always be entertaining, even when he's looking down the barrel of a shotgun.

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Deadpool was ranked 31st on IGN's 100 Greatest Comic Book Characters, But in my own personal opinion he deserved 1st place. I first discovered Deadpool through a xbox game called Ultimate Alliance where he is a playable anti-hero throughout the game.

All in all he is the funniest, most spontaneous, spunk hero out there and we should all honor and know him for that.