Saturday, January 19, 2013

You Wouldn't Get Trolled on an Atari...

Welcome back my ever kind shoulders to complain on, I hope that you are once again ready to listen to one of my senseless rants, but this time I have a legitimate to be concerned and I feel the need to share. Trust me.

So, recently I have acquired a new accessory from my Xbox 360 known to us gamers out there (and everyone else) as Xbox Live. Basically Xbox Live is a way to connect with other gamers worldwide on a number of games, the thing is people may seem a but unapproachable and forcibly polite to you, though they may hate you on the inside, but still polite. The thing is, when people don't have to look you in the eye when they're talking to you, they're not afraid to say ANYTHING! 

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Trolling is a term used to call someone a bully over the internet. Basically when you get trolled it means that someone else, or a group of people, are taking what you say and/or do to make someone else feel bad or stupid. This is a big problem on Xbox Live and there is really no way to avoid being trolled unless you unplug your mic and headset.

The funny thing about Xbox live is the fact that everyone varies in ages from 4-30 and it seems that even those 4 year old children have a pretty good idea when to buck up and stand up for themselves, or when to shut their mouths and let it go.

Xbox Live isn't just a place for fun and games anymore, now it's a place for people to relieve stress and anger by yelling and screaming at strangers that are just trying to have a good time. I know this because I have been trolled before and it really buts a damper on my whole gaming experience.

Well, this wasn't my longest rant, but I thought I should get all that off my chest before I became a troller myself.


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