Friday, April 19, 2013

Chubbeh Bunneh Challenge

As of recently my fourth hour Journalism class has taken up the habit of completing popular internet challenges. So far we have successfully completed the Cinnamon Challenge, which let me tell you hurt, as well as Hallway Swimming.

The most recent challenge we have pursued is what is well known as the Chubbeh Bunneh challenge AKA the Marshmallow challenge.

Basically what this challenge consists of is stuffing as many marshmallows as one person can into their mouth while still being able to say the words chubbeh bunneh. You may be sitting at your computer reading this with a scoff, thinking to yourself, that sounds like the easiest thing ever.

Well, let me tell you right now, it's freaking hard to get past three marshmallows at the most. You cheeks get so puffed up with the sugary ball of fluff, and your throat closes up from how sweet each marshmallow is, up to the point where you feel like your are going to puke.

Ms. Hooker Starting off the challenge
We ended up having at least seven people try the actual challenge itself, and the highest score of marshmallows shoved into ones gob was around six, I believe.

Each person who tried the challenge could not stop laughing as soon as they popped the first marshmallow in their mouth. Of course, there was also a classmate who wouldn't stop making puking noises to deal with, which made it all the more difficult to proceed with the challenge.

Me at five marshmallows in my mouth.
I thought the challenge was going to be a lot simpler than it actually was, but in reality it got difficult after I got two marshmallows stuffed up in my cheeks.

This challenge by far was my favorite because it didn't hurt my throat and make me cough and choke, plus it was fun to try as well as to watch.

Morgan (left) and I racing with mini marshmallows, while Zack (middle) yells at us.
Eventually we ran out of big marshmallows - which we had to beg for from the foods class - and decided to try our own little challenge which we called mini chubs.

My good friend, Morgan, and I raced to see who could get the most mini marshmallows in our mouth without chewing or swallowing them. In the end I won and Morgan shuffled off to the trash can to spit out a giant glob of marshmallows into the trash.

When we finished racing each other, we needed to clean out the bag of marshmallows so, Morgan decided to dump the whole bag into his mouth and on his face.

I recommend this challenge, it's a fun one.

Morgan dumping the marshmallows in his mouth.