Friday, April 5, 2013

Just a Daily Rant.

Today was a semi-awful day so my Shoulders to Complain On you shall read this (only if you want of course) while I senselessly complain about my day.

To start off, I didn't end up going to bed until around two or three A.M., which lemme tell ya, is not a good thing to do on a school night, especially when it's on a day where you actually have to focus and pay attention. I was up all night playing Black Ops 2 with a few of my friends, and you know what they say, time flies when you're having fun.

Then when I woke up I had crazy bed head which even the most furious of brushings couldn't cure. I brushed and brushed, but my hair refused to settle or cooperate with me whatsoever.

 I stepped outside and it was freezing cold and a bleak grey, which actually cheered me up a bit when I felt the crisp touch of the rain, then I remembered that I had to sit inside a brick building all day and listen to lecture after lecture; complete assignment after assignment.

....Makes my bad mood worse.

I ended up getting into a few arguments at lunch over pointless topics that any other day would never have sparked an opinion in me.

Then, in my film class, after a number of footage had been gathered for a Lonely Island music video, my SD card decided that it was going to refuse to work with Imovie. This means that next time I have my film class I will have to re-film every single scene that was on that SD card with hardly any time.

Today was not a good day for me....

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