Friday, May 17, 2013

Mario Review

This may seem strange that I have decided to write this blog post about one of the most famous video game characters, but I found myself thinking of all the ways that Mario has been redone and remade.

Through out the years we have gone from the first ever Mario, all the way up to Super Mario Galaxy where we find our lovable little Italian where Mario literally travels the final frontier of space, with a few additions and improvements from the creators of the game

Mario was originally made by the Japanese creator Shigeru Miyamoto for the Nintendo and was soon decided to serve as the mascot of Nintendo itself.

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Mario games are considered by most as the most popular game series ever created and the franchise has sold over 210 million units. Although Mario was originally designed for the Super Mario series, he was appeared in many other games from the famous Mario Kart all the way to the fun and easy going RPG, Paper Mario.

The main plot theme of the original game of Super Mario is a classic in the gaming world. The helpless princess Peach is captured by the evil Lord Bowser which sets our hero, Mario, into motion to rescue the fair and helpless princess to the best of his abilities.

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This will always be one of my favorite game series, and Mario will always be one of my most well loved and favorite video game characters.

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