Enter My Mind

My name is Paesly Oswald and I have an irrational fear of crawl spaces. I realize that I really shouldn't be, but something about a very dark, tight space just makes my skin crawl and my blood run cold.

Now, if that fist sentence hasn't already made you take a second look and cause the question what am I reading!? To rise up in your thinking space, than sit back, kick your feet up and read on my fellow insane internet friend, because it get's A LOT worse from here on out.

I am somewhat of a blunt speaker, meaning that when I have something to say, I'm going to say it. I don't care if someone disagrees with what I have to say, or even wants to argue about what I have to say, because truthfully that's just how I am, and I don't like having to hold back words.

That's like trying to hold in a sneeze...Your eyes will pop out!

I am also a very awkward person with a passion for video games. Yes, I am aware how lame that makes me sound, and sure we can all say that everyone is awkward, but what can I say? Video games to me, are like football to Americans. I love that fact that I get to live someone else's life, and figure out new strategies and approaches to beat a level or enemy.

I suppose I could mention a few things that I enjoy doing, and that I am good at. Take  writing for example, ever since I learned how to put sentence A with sentence B in a flashy manner, I have been writing books, poems, and even just little quips. It has always been a big aspiration of my life to write something that people would actually, you know, want to read. Somehow though, I'm still stuck in the phase of starting up a project, writing the beginning of the story than completely abandoning the entire project. Abandon ship. That is something I really need to work on, or so I've been told.

Moving on, before I start rambling off and complaining to you about all my little life problems...

I have never really been the type of person to stick with one thing (obviously from what I said before), but I am trying desperately to fix that. So, to turn my give-up streak around I took up playing guitar, and am going to stick with it until I can shred down the neck board like a psychopath.

....This is starting to turn into my life story, and I'm assuming that if you still have this page open, it's only because you got a little to relaxed and decided to take 40 winks and leave me here blabbering on.

So, on that note I bid you readers adue!

Oh wait, wait, wait!

I also have an awful fear of sharks, not that that really matters that much.

Clear out! A wild horde of zombies has appeared!!!

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