Friday, January 25, 2013

No Celebrities, Just Plain'ol fun

Please keep an open mind about this blogpost because I will merely be sharing with you my experience that I had while I went trekking around Park City during Sundance (perhaps, just maybe, looking for all those famous people everyone is always going off about).

Anywho, I did not make this journey alone! I was accompanied by three of my very good friends (Picture below) who kept me well entertained and cheery while we walked up and down the very thin and very crowded sidewalks of Mainstreet. We searched up and down those sidewalks, in every crevice and alleyway we could find, just to get a glimpse of someone who may or may not have been famous, but after half an hour we gave up and decided to enjoy ourselves.

By going into every store we saw...

I should admit right now that we did get yelled at a few times to "NOT TOUCH ANYTHING!" because apparently nowadays browsing means that you must have your hands tied behind your back  and stand at a safe distance, which I guess is 5ft away from the actual shelf.

Left To Right: Anna, Me, Naomi (My friend Zizi had the camera).
After a few hours we ended up heading to Dolly's bookstore, where we stumbled upon this adorable pooch with the most piercing blue eyes I have ever seen in my life. I felt like that dog was staring into my soul and deciding my fate with his face! Okay, so that was worded a bit weird, but that's what it was like readers, you have no idea.

After I got through with the dog, however, my friends and I found ourselves rather hungry but sadly we were all broke, penniless, no money to spare, you know what I mean? Well through a little thing we like to call walking and talking, we ended up finding a place that was handing out free food.

The place was called Morning Star and they were trying to spread the message that vegetarian food is better for you and can taste good, therefor they were offering free vegetarian burgers to the public.

How could we say no?

With little less than a five minute wait, we were chowing down on some grade A vegetarian "meat" I suppose you would call it, and truth be told it wasn't half bad.

Dog with the eyes to the soul.

Well, I guess that's all I really have to say about that. I did end up seeing a few Sundance films and I must say that they were interesting, if not a little hard to follow. The free will and expressionism that comes with making a film for Sundance is absolutely astonishing. If those artists want to spread a message of view they know exactly how to do it and aren't afraid to say what they want to say.

Well alas this post has come to the end and I shall end by saying that if you have never been to the Sundance Film Festival, it is a must try thing that should be experienced once in your life.

The Egyptian Theater

Saturday, January 19, 2013

You Wouldn't Get Trolled on an Atari...

Welcome back my ever kind shoulders to complain on, I hope that you are once again ready to listen to one of my senseless rants, but this time I have a legitimate to be concerned and I feel the need to share. Trust me.

So, recently I have acquired a new accessory from my Xbox 360 known to us gamers out there (and everyone else) as Xbox Live. Basically Xbox Live is a way to connect with other gamers worldwide on a number of games, the thing is people may seem a but unapproachable and forcibly polite to you, though they may hate you on the inside, but still polite. The thing is, when people don't have to look you in the eye when they're talking to you, they're not afraid to say ANYTHING! 

Image Source:
Trolling is a term used to call someone a bully over the internet. Basically when you get trolled it means that someone else, or a group of people, are taking what you say and/or do to make someone else feel bad or stupid. This is a big problem on Xbox Live and there is really no way to avoid being trolled unless you unplug your mic and headset.

The funny thing about Xbox live is the fact that everyone varies in ages from 4-30 and it seems that even those 4 year old children have a pretty good idea when to buck up and stand up for themselves, or when to shut their mouths and let it go.

Xbox Live isn't just a place for fun and games anymore, now it's a place for people to relieve stress and anger by yelling and screaming at strangers that are just trying to have a good time. I know this because I have been trolled before and it really buts a damper on my whole gaming experience.

Well, this wasn't my longest rant, but I thought I should get all that off my chest before I became a troller myself.


Friday, January 4, 2013

Merc With The Mouth

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I believe that any of you who have read my recent blog posts have already figured out by now that I am a nerdy person, actually I may have mentioned that on more than one occasion already. Anywho, I've noticed that anytime someone is asked who their favorite superhero is they always answer with the expected; Batman, Superman, Spiderman, you get the gist. 

Well, when I am asked the same question my answer is always Deadpool. You're probably thinking to yourself, "Who is this strange superhero this crazy girl is talking about?" Well my good reader, Deadpool is the Merc With The Mouth, the Regeneratin' Degenerate, the Crimson Comedian, or just plain ol' Wade Wilson.

Deadpool first appeared February 1991, in the issue of The New Mutants. He's depicted as being dressed from head to toe in red and black and he is always carrying more than his share of weaponry, but really what can you expect from a Mercenary? He was firstly developed as a spoof character to make fun of D.C. comics, Slade Wilson aka Deathstroke. 

Image Source:

Three main things that make his character stand out from other Marvel superheros are:

1). Before becoming a super, Deadpool had cancer, and to save his lousy life he needed help. So, he ran off to Canada to test an experimental procedure that would mix his cells with that of Wolverines. After the procedure, Wade gained an uncanny healing factor that alowed his body to regenerate itself, but it also rapidly sped up the cancer causing tumors and illness to spread throughout his body.

2). Due to the rapid spread of cancer, Deadpool's body is always battling death. This, of course, can start to take a toll, gradually causing poor ol' Wade Wilson to drop into a state of low mental health, In other words he went bonkers and even developed two voices in his mind that are constantly quarreling with him and each other.

3). Deadpool is one of the most humorous and sarcastic marvel characters out there, I swear he gives Spiderman a run for his money. In other words, Deadpool is and always be entertaining, even when he's looking down the barrel of a shotgun.

Image Source:

Deadpool was ranked 31st on IGN's 100 Greatest Comic Book Characters, But in my own personal opinion he deserved 1st place. I first discovered Deadpool through a xbox game called Ultimate Alliance where he is a playable anti-hero throughout the game.

All in all he is the funniest, most spontaneous, spunk hero out there and we should all honor and know him for that.