Friday, November 9, 2012

Snow, Why Do You Torture Me So?!?

I know, I know, who am I to judge the snow, and accuse it of torture, right?

You may say that it's all pure and innocent, and gorgeous, but, you're wrong! Wrong I say! For one thing, it just lays around, blocking driveways and making driving considerably dangerous and heart pounding. I think I about died coming down the road from the house, which, I might add, is up in the middle of nowhere with the mountain people and maybe even the Blair Witch. In town, with the normal people, we got maybe three inches of snow at tops, yet somehow at my house the snow came up to my knees, and I actually had to trudge just to get into my car.

I don't know about you, but trudging isn't a word I use lightly. To me, trudging is not being able to pick up your feet and getting your socks soaked through to the bone; I think I might actually have frostbite on my toes. Not my favorite thing in the world.


Why can't we just live in a very happy, snow-free world? 

Okay, so maybe not completely snow-free, but couldn't we just have a designated snow zone. Then maybe, just maybe, keep everywhere else dry and tolerable. Think of it this way, a place where it snows all year around, and if you're a big skier, you can go to said zone while people like me stay happily warm and frost-bite free.

That's asking a lot, I am aware, but you can't judge me (maybe you can, but you shouldn't) because I'm sure there is something out there you hate as much as I hate snow. Forget the fact that at this very moment, while I write this, there is almost a white-out happening just outside my window, or that I have to walk out in this mayhem of a blizzard.

Forget that, what I am saying is that the snow and I don't and never will get along.....EVER!

1 comment:

  1. It's so true that the snow can be torture but it's almost sad that there is no snow. Knowing that it can cause many problems to come is a true fear, but all and all great blog post!
