Friday, February 15, 2013

Harlem Shake...Really?!

Okay, let's just ge one thing straight right now, shall we? Internet memes are either complete genius, or they don't make any sense and then there are the memes that are just completely random and stupid.

For example, the Harlem Shake. This merely started out as a thirty second video of a man in a mask dancing by himself, then, as soon as the bass drops there are nearly twice as many people dancing around with him. This video transcended up the ranks of internet popularity faster than a rock being chucked at your face.

Before last week I didn't even know what the Harlem Shake was, but now that I do, I wish I could reverse time and go back to the simple days when internet scandals were no more than pictures with random quotes and writings around them.

Image Source:

The picture above is a regular meme, not the Harlem Shake. I think that any stupid viral videos should somehow be banned from the internet as to avoid the nuisance of having to watch and hear about them twenty-four seven.

Anytime someone tries to make a Harlem Shake video, I hope they meet the same result as the man in the video below.

Video Source:

(Sorry about low quality)

Sunday, February 3, 2013

I'm Blogging...

I'm blogging about blogging about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging  about blogging.........


Friday, February 1, 2013

Would You Just Look At That?!?

Recently two new little guys have entered my lives and their names are Tryggvason and Kaiser, my new baby brothers. I know what you're probably thinking, what kind of names are those? I thought the exact same thing when I was first told and my father explained to me that the name Tryggvason is a powerful Viking name, while the name Kaiser is emperor for German. Apparently, though, to my dad they will always just be Butch and Sundance.

Trygg and Kai

They were born nearly two weeks ago at St. Marks hospital and I must say that even if when I was first told I wasn't the happiest person ever, they are pretty adorable to watch. Today actually happens to be my first day actually seeing them in person and let me just tell you right now, they are the smallest little babies I have ever seen in my life.

From the picture it would be obvious to tell that they are twins and I suppose that I should just come clean right now and admit that I really cannot tell either of them apart whatsoever. To me it looks like someone took a baby, scanned him, and made a perfect replica or hologram.


Funny story, I decided that I was absolutely exhausted today and thought hmm, maybe I will just go catch myself 40 winks. Well, 20 winks through I hear this high pitched drawling coming from upstairs. I sit up from the couch I had passed out on, rubbed my eyes, and groaned. They may be cute, but crying babies are never ever a good time if I may be so blunt.

Well, I guess there isn't really much else I can say because I've only been around them for a few hours. Anyways, here's to being a new sister I guess, I can't wait to see what this is going to bring me...
