Friday, December 14, 2012


This week I am going to use you readers as what I like to call Shoulders to Complain On. This basically means that I am going to tell you all the things I absolutely despise about The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

Before I do so, though, I must fist officially state that I love the game itself, and couldn't imagine what I would have spent those countless hours of my life doing instead - bungee jumping maybe? No I hate heights. Anyways, all I'm trying to get across is that this game does in fact have some glitches and problems that should have been dealt with before releasing the game.

While this game allows you to immerse yourself in the world of Skyrim and fight for the land you come to love, be that on the side of the Stormcloaks or the Imperials, it tends to take away from this experience with minor and major glitches.

For one, I noticed that once you have reached a certain number of save points in the game, usually surpassing 450-500 saves, the game gradually slows down. But not only does the gameplay start to lag, but actually it starts to stop completely. For example, I was in the middle of entering one of the many Barrows you can find around the vast regions of Skyrim when the game completely froze in the middle of the loading screen.

This brings me to my next point, which is the fact that you have to save your game literally every twenty minutes in fear that you might lose all your progress so far. To all of you newbies to the Skyrim world, let me explain a little further for you, shall I?

Basically what I am saying is that the game doesn't automatically save your progress for you after a big accomplishment or mission, but rather only autosaves if you enter or exit a home, tomb, castle, ruin, etc. This means that if I were traveling across Skyrim to discover a new region, only to be killed by a Snow troll and I hadn't saved before this vicious attack, I would literally have to start back at the my last save point. This could legitimately kick me all the way back to my last successful mission.

The last glitch, that I myself found annoying but could be considered a blessing to other players, actually happened to me first in Dawnstar. I was merely headed towards the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary - a safe haven for blood hungry assassins - when out of NOWHERE, not one but two dragons appear and start bombarding me with ice and flames. 

I, being unprepared in light armor with a dagger, sadly died quickly only to respawn and have the two bullies show up again. After countless attempts I, along with the Dawnstar townspeople and guard, finally managed to kill both dragons and I also absorbed both their souls. The thing to complain about here is that I had to use a number of potions and enchanted weapons to kill both of the dragons and keep myself alive and it took me nearly an hour to replenish my stocks.

And with the note, I end my rant and thank any of you who read on through my full complaints. I must admit it feels really swell to get that all off of my chest.

Until next time...