Sunday, October 21, 2012

Dishonored Review

Photo Source:
Image Source: Wikipedia 

Now, when I got this game, I have to admit I was freaking out. I swear, the moment after I buy a new game - especially one like this - the only thing I want to do is grab some Code Red, put my comfy clothes on, and lock myself away in my room....Which is exactly what I did.

The game itself is astonishing. You are thrown into the first-person stealth/adventure game, seeing through the eyes of Corvo Attano who has just been framed for the murder of the High Empress of Dunwall, an industrial city riddled by a vicious and lethal plaque. With nothing else to lose, you become an infamous assassin, out to right the wrongs committed against you. Skilled in stealth, combat, and blessed with gifts from The Outsider, an all powerful deity, that allow you to blink from one area to the next, possess animals and guards of Dunwall, and even see enemies through walls.

Pretty cool, huh?

Well, that's not even the best part my friends, oh no! "Dishonored", not only allows you to upgrade your weapons and powers through Bonecharms, and Whale-Bone Runes, but it is also affected by the choices you make. Right from the start of the game, the choices you make change the entire outcome; such as killing an enemy, or leaving them alive and merely sneaking past them. If you slit someones throat, you automatically become known as a ruthless masked killer on the prowl, and everyone in Dunwall is alert and afraid of you. Yet, when you sneak past an enemy and keep them alive, you become a mysterious and skilled escape artist, with the occasional whispered rumor about your existence. Be warned, the second option may seem interesting, but it took me long enough to achieve it. Not because I had to restrain myself from killing the guards, but because you literally cannot be detected once. Moving on, the other big player that affects the game is how you deal with your targets. I know you must be thinking that you have to kill them right when you see them, when there are actually a number of ways to take care of the target, even non-lethal ways. Make your choices, and decide the fate of Dunwall.

Image Source: Forbes

I was a bit disappointed, though, when I saw the graphics of the game. Not that I'm complaining really, I mean, I undertand that the effort put into making the game as free willed as it is, leaves little time to adjust and focus on the graphics of the game solely. But, come on, they could have at least made something a little more eye popping. When I saw the cover of the game - which is amazing - that's how I thought the graphics would turn out, but alas my hopes were crushed by the actual thing, which seemed a bit rushed and unrealistic. Now, don't get my wrong here, alright readers, I'm not saying that the graphics are so awful that you shouldn't go buy the game, I'm just saying they aren't what I expected.

Moving on, assuming I didn't just kill your interest with my petty lingering on something that doesn't really matter, we should really discuss the gameplay, hmm?

Image Source: Forbes

While I was playing through "Dishonored", I didn't really notice any big issues or bugs that really detracted from the gameplay experience. At least, not until I reached the last few levels of the game, that's where real problems started to build up and get on my nerves. For one thing, I remember on the second to last mission, I was talking to Pierro, the handy-man (who is a very anti-social genius),  had some of his dialogue skipped over, so whilst the conversation was taking place, I was sitting there, controller in hand, wondering what in the world he was talking about. Seriously the conversation went something like this.

"Corvo......On the roof.........Knock out..........Your choice, sir."

I mean, come on now!

Alright, I'm getting heated just talking about it. But, if I was given the choice to buy Dishonored again, or chose a different game, I am more than sure that I would pay the big bills for Dishonored, just to have the one-of-a-kind experience the game offers.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Stepping Foot In The World Of Blogging

I've always wanted to try and start a blog where I could tell short stories based on a picture or piece of art, or review music; something that fit inside two of my greatest interests, and I've finally been given that chance, and I don't intend to squander it. Of course, I can't just jump right in head first without doing my research, which is exactly why I started with the one and only Art Blog.

This certain blog alone shows me just how creative I can be with my voice, while talking about art. Each blog featured sounds somehow different, yet tied to the others, maybe from their word choice, or just from the way they phrase things. But, the Art Blog also can sound very formal and official when reading it, but I suppose that's just how reviews are. This blog in particular inspired me, because I have always been a fan of art - even if I don't understand some of it - and it's uplifting to see that I'm not the only one who has that love for talent. Yet, it truly inspired me when I saw all the different possibilities of art out there, just waiting to be evaluated and reviewed. I think the Art Blog will help me grasp a more profesional tone. One other thing I forgot to mention is the simple, yet interactive layout of the homepage that keeps the the reader involved, and not overwhelmed.

Now, the NPR Music: Blog, however, seemed to have a more peppy, hip, and stylish tone. The thing I enjoyed about this blog was the fact that it let me know what is happening in the art universe, whose gravitational pull is sound itself. This blog, does in fact, give me a few ideas if I do decide to settle for album and band reviews. Because, it allows me to see what keeps this type of audience in the action, and invested in completing the entire review. Possibly, making them want to go to a specific festival or concert. This blog, though, seemed a little harder for me to follow. Not because it was flashy, or in my face, but really, because it involved a lot of scrolling just to find what I'm looking for. I'm naturally a very lazy person, and tend to take the easiest route, but, I don't know...This just didn't seem to work for me as much as the first blog.

If I find myself stuck at a fork in the road, and can't decide between these two blogs, or I just don't want to do either of those in the future, there is no need to worry! I have devised a fallback on video gaming reviews, walkthroughs, and such. Destructoid: For Gamers By Gamers, was really something I cherished. Yes, I know how weird that sounds, and yes I know I may sound nerdy now. But really, games and I are like two peas in a pod, and this blog really captured the type of tone that keeps me reading. A tone I call the teenage voice, it was a bit random and spunky, but it also got through the reviews with a sort of failing grace. It made me chuckle a few times. This blog helps me, because now I know it's okay to write things a bit weird and out of the ordinary, or to even add a tint of humor every now and then.

VĂ­ola! I just took my first step into the blogging world.....Only a few million or so left to go, right?